- 3 days ago
When love goes wrong, travel and start a blog
"The story is about how a professional eater met a professional chef and now we share stories, recipes and video on our site." Ayngelina...
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- Aug 16
Jo has two websites - why?
"Why start another blog? Why not! I just love what I do." Joanna Cismaru Back to the website titles that have captured my eye - for all...
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- Jul 31
On commenting and how to choose what's for dinner
"The recipe comments function like a virtual watering hole where strangers swap tips and stories and occasionally the stray insight."...
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- Jul 24
Self-doubt and a recipe
"So much of the very best food is like this, which is to say a huge bloody mess. It lies on the plate or in the bowl, looking like...
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- Jun 17
"Reclaiming the magical herstory of food" - a website
This is a lady called Danielle Prohom Olson who lives in the town of Victoria on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. She has a...
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- Apr 24
Blogging success - A Pinch of Yum. (And oops!)
"People sharing information that helps people." Bjork Ostrom First of all the oops. Somehow or other when I wrote my post about not...
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- Apr 11
A lucky dip, a website, lamb and avgolemono
"Avgolemono is just so important to Greeks. But maybe it’s even more important to Greeks who’ve left Greece." Simon Glofit So it began...
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- Apr 10
Chicken, not duck, and oranges
Continuing with my throwing out recipe oddments from the folders in which they have been stored I came across two recipes, no three, that...
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- Apr 4
Authenticity - a book and a soup
"When you give of yourself through a dish, you aren't just feeding somebody's physical hunger, but a deeper longing for home, for a safe...
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- Mar 22
An earnest blogger
"So this is it. I have to cook every dish in the book as written by Jane – even if it contains something I don’t like, e.g. whiskey and...
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- Jan 29
Cuisine heureuse - two men and a first recipe
"Books are so much more than simply a collection of words. They are glimpses into an epoch and the author's soul." François de...
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- Jan 14
An American in Paris - David Lebovitz
"You can read about a French liqueur, or a cheese like Comté or Brie, but until you go to where it’s made, you can’t truly understand...
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- Dec 15, 2023
Feasting with The Guardian
"for adventurous eaters and curious cooks." As you know I'm always plugging The Guardian and its team of food writers, recipe creators...
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- Nov 27, 2023
Pictures, words, irritations and detours
“A picture is a poem without words.” Horace Today's post was going to be a riff on this painting, which turned up on my desk calendar...
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- Nov 26, 2023
"Comfort food stepped up a bit"
"Deb is a firm believer that there are no bad cooks, just bad recipes." GoodReads You can probably tell it's a mildly uninspired day -...
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- Nov 19, 2023
Search but you may not find
"Google is search. It’s the verb, to Google. It’s what we all do, all the time, whenever we want to know anything. We Google it." Carole...
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- Nov 18, 2023
Frozen mangoes to Urban Nanna
"We believe that positive environmental and cultural change is ultimately possible, but that it will be infinitely more attainable if we...
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- Sep 23, 2023
A nifty writer's block idea
"When, after all attempts, there is no recipe to make, I’ll write about what I find on the relevant page or pages. Heck, it may be too...
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- Sep 17, 2023
To keep or not to keep
"what's interesting to you isn't necessarily interesting to a reader." Mitch Albom I don't know whether it's COVID or whether it's just...
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