Jul 12
Elizabeth vs Nigel - pastry, onions, cheese
"my favourite savoury tart. It made it's first appearance in Appetite and I make it to this day." Nigel Slater A few weeks ago now, in...
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Jun 10
Panackarty, Pan Haggerty ...
"If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers." Doug Larson I have just...
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May 20
"soupçon - a very small amount." Cambridge Dictionary In French it also means a suspicion. So let's stay French - well only in that...
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May 14
What to do with those pickled onions
"open mouth, insert pickled onion, chew" TheSkewed/Reddit commenter Well yes indeed you - well I - could just eat them. And I have to...
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Mar 27
M'jadrah - the smell of onions
"the dish far surpasses the sum of its parts—who knew such humble elements could taste so dynamic?" Kate Williams/Serious Eats I am...
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Mar 4
Roasting garlic and shallots
"People always seem to eat incredible amounts of this" Nigella Lawson "It's hard to imagine now, but it wasn't until the middle of the...
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Nov 22, 2023
Cutting up onions
"People who are knowledgable are said to "know their onions". It's a great phrase, yet nobody knows exactly where it comes from. It's...
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Oct 3, 2023
Write, repeat; write, repeat ... chicken and leek pie
"There is repetition everywhere, and nothing is found only once in the world." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Feeling a bit uninspired - a...
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Oct 1, 2023
Venice leeks and what's for dinner tonight?
"Perhaps no one ever gets to know Venice as much as they remember her, recall her from an episode in some other dream." Marlena de Blasi...
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Sep 8, 2023
Too many onions - what to do?
"I wonder how many of you, when it comes to cooking your next meal, will start it by peeling an onion?" Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Well...
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Aug 15, 2023
The second time around
I tried to find an appropriate quote for this post, but although I found quotes about 'the second time around' they were almost all...
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Mar 27, 2023
Sage and onion
"THE TRICK: Throw the Paxo out of the window." Nigel Slater Like many British people of my age I grew up with Paxo packet stuffing, and...
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Mar 23, 2023
Pickled onions - ancient or modern?
"Pickle a big batch, put them on everything." There are the ones in the jar - brown and whole, and the ones in a dish - sliced, pink and...
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Nov 12, 2022
The story of last night's dinner
"The cold fact is no matter what new dish we turn a hand to, eventually it will come to taste and look like everything else we’ve ever...
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Oct 9, 2022
Should we acknowledge french onion soup in a packet as an ingredient?
"That beefy, caramelized onion flavor is actually really hard to achieve on your own at home. Improbably, the product is vegan, made...
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Aug 4, 2022
Carbonnade Flamande - have I got the right beer?
"It occupies that culinary space that makes it feel like it's both comfort food and a decadent treat." Diversivore I started this...
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Jan 27, 2022
Onions et al.(liums)
"the onion acts as an architectural underpinning or seasoning to make other vegetables more flavoursome." Bert Greene I'm not about to...
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Jan 21, 2022
An unlikely mild disappointment
"These impressive looking peppers are deceptively easy to put together" Shelf Love On the left Ottolenghi, on the right mine. It was a...
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Dec 1, 2021
My pissaladière story
"just add spring sunshine and a glass of wine" Andrew McConnell Tonight my local book group is meeting to choose our books for next year....
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Nov 10, 2021
"TITBIT - a choice morsel of food; a small and particularly interesting item of gossip or information." I have book group here tonight,...
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