
Apr 21, 2023
Cuisse de canard rôtie aux prunes
"It is rich meltingly tender when young, and fairly cries out to be simmered with wine, herbs and brandy" Robert Carrier This is my...
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Mar 3, 2023
Pears and prunes
" He doesn't bore you with gracious cadence and profound emptiness" Jane Grigson Well I suspect that I am about to bore you but probably...
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Jun 17, 2021
Those savoury prunes
I promised to write a second post on prunes in savoury dishes, and then I thought I wouldn't because you'd probably had enough of prunes,...
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Jun 5, 2021
Prunes - a beginning
"The prune is a dried plum, full of sunshine and sweetness." Jane Grigson I had to open a large packet of prunes for my Persian chicken...
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