
Feb 9
French toast
"French toast tackles pancakes head on and smashes it." Claire Thomson Yesterday's New York Times recipe offering - no picture - was...
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Apr 8, 2024
Variations - granola
"There is no real recipe for it, as it is made to the taste of the person preparing it." Family Spice Yes I know - this is not granola. ...
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Dec 29, 2023
Taster: "a small amount or short experience of something that is intended either to make you understand what it is like or to make you...
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Oct 23, 2023
"gubbins - various things that are not important" Oxford Dictionary "gubbins - another word for stuff" I Swear English Gubbins Yes...
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Sep 5, 2023
Morning sickness
“Early to bed and early to rise, enhances your standing in everyone’s eyes.” The Guardian When I say 'morning sickness' I do not mean...
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May 15, 2023
"Smidgen - a small amount of something." Oxford Languages Smidgens the chocolates Actually Smidgens are also an American chocolate...
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Feb 5, 2023
Eggs - what's in a name?
"The variations on this simple dish are infinite" Robert Carrier Indeed they are and it is perfectly easy to become completely confused...
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Nov 28, 2022
More of a concept than a recipe
"the perfect “blotting paper” if a festive brunch is boozy or if you’ve overdone the festivities the night before: it puts you right back...
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Sep 6, 2022
Brioche à l'ancienne
"An idea is like a chocolate brioche. You have to let it cool to see if it is really good" I take my inspiration from anywhere I can get...
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Jul 26, 2022
Scrambled eggs - I think I've been here before
"everybody has his own method, which is invariably the right and proper one." Elizabeth David I feel sure I've done all this before, and...
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May 24, 2022
The continental breakfast
"Nothing illustrates the British disdain for Europe like the concept of Continental Breakfast." The History Woman's Blog Inspiration for...
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Sep 11, 2021
Breakfast salads
"Basically it’s your fry-up PLUS the ingredients of a nutrient-packed green smoothie, all on one plate." Lucy Feagins - The Design Files...
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May 24, 2021
Orange juice
"Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine." Anita Bryant La Garde Freinet - where Johnny Depp used to live, looking...
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