Jun 29
75 years ago - the food view from here
"We're Keele and we're different. Founded 75 years ago to meet the demands of a new kind of society, economy and world, our principles...
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Nov 18, 2021
Do you need a degree to shop wisely?
"A report by the OECD reveals that 40 per cent of Australians do not have the necessary literacy skills to participate in daily life....
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Jul 21, 2021
Chip butties - the north/south divide
"Hard liquor and soft drugs aside, the chip butty is the most reliable way we human beings have to mentally shut out this harsh world...
179 views0 comments
Jul 3, 2021
I didn't know that I was being mindful
'When you cut the carrot, cut the carrot' Zen saying The Woolworths magazine was out this week and on its double-spread page of this...
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Jun 29, 2021
"Life without ramen is sad and incomplete" Ramen is Life Back to food today - and back to Coles Magazine, which, this month had a recipe...
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