
Sep 12, 2024
Olio: "A dish of many ingredients" "a miscellaneous mixture" Merriam Webster Dictionary I confess I thought 'olio'...
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May 16, 2024
"A kid under a tablecloth insists he’s a ghost. A table underneath a tablecloth is, I guess, like the rest of us, only pretending to be...
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Oct 5, 2023
"flake - a small, very thin layer or piece of something, especially one that has broken off from something" Oxford Learners'...
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Sep 30, 2023
Two English experiments
"We would be foolish not to try everything at least once." Nigel Slater I seem to have been on a bit of an English kick of late. Is...
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Nov 7, 2022
Genteel sandwiches on the lawn
"Everything tastes better outdoors." Claudia Roden It's such a beautiful day - you can almost imagine that summer is actually on its...
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Feb 14, 2022
Terrine de campagne
"Remember that it will taste better the next day" Jane Grigson A busy week is looming so it's possible there will not be many posts this...
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Jan 9, 2022
Indian picnics - a relic of the raj
"In India, eating is a private affair not to be witnessed by onlookers, and it is regarded as improper to eat in the open. Besides, it...
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Aug 19, 2021
Egg sandwiches - better than you think
"The beauty of course lies in the simplicity, which means that it’s incredibly easy to balls up." Helen Graves I've been browsing the net...
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Jun 21, 2021
A winter picnic
"Everything tastes better outdoors. There is something about fresh air and the liberating effects of nature which sharpens the appetite...
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Mar 19, 2021
Scotch eggs are not Scottish
"a patriotic counterpart to the usual modern British picnic fare of foccacia and Ottolenghi salads. The scotch egg, being robust,...
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Mar 16, 2021
Pork pies - uniquely English
"The thing I can't resist is a pork pie. That's my idea of a lovely treat." Delia Smith My granddaughter and grandson, who both go to the...
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