
Apr 8, 2024
Variations - granola
"There is no real recipe for it, as it is made to the taste of the person preparing it." Family Spice Yes I know - this is not granola. ...
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Mar 30, 2024
Cake for the lumberjacks or a queen?
"baking (and eating) cake can help whatever ails you" David Lebovitz On Monday we are having the Great Easter Egg Hunt - yes still. I...
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Dec 18, 2023
Christmas is ... mince pies
"I love a mince pie - that tiny, tender tart that somehow manages to hold the very essence of Christmas in its crust; the flavours,...
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Aug 1, 2023
The charm of England - Eccles cakes
"there is almost nothing in this country for which a cake hasn't been named." Nigel Slater Somewhere or other on the television recently...
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Jun 5, 2021
Prunes - a beginning
"The prune is a dried plum, full of sunshine and sweetness." Jane Grigson I had to open a large packet of prunes for my Persian chicken...
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May 29, 2021
Sweetly appetising dates
"a kind of guilt-free, natural toffee" Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall I'm pretty sure I've done dates in a general sense before but somehow...
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