Oct 10
A green sauce for almost everything
"There are no green sauce rules — only what tastes good to you." Margaret Eby/Food and Wine Today I'm back to Nigel Slater's batch of...
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Sep 17
More mayo - this time with pineapple
"a pineapple sandwich is one of those foods that it seems only Southerners love and appreciate." Southern Living This one began with a...
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Sep 3
Simple essentials - Nigel's first recipes
"Small details that make a big difference" Nigel Slater It's first recipe time and working my way through my bookshelves I have come to...
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Jun 22
Pumpkin gnocchi
"As for the gnocchi family, their merits as inexpensive, attractive, and original little dishes will be quickly perceived" Elizabeth...
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Jun 2
Hot wing rambles
"One cannot fix one's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy." Jane Austen I do have the...
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May 29
Poutine - trendy junk food
"when seen for the first time, poutine looks like a culinary catastrophe." Rebecca Nicholson/The Guardian Indeed it does, but then...
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May 20
"soupçon - a very small amount." Cambridge Dictionary In French it also means a suspicion. So let's stay French - well only in that...
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May 18
Dithering over dinner
"Dithering - present participle of dither - to be unable to make a decision about doing something" Cambridge Dictionary Tonight I was...
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May 11
Feeling lazy? Puttanesca to the rescue
"Puttanesca - Although you will often see its Italian name explained as meaning “whore’s pasta” in English, the general consensus seems...
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May 1
Omelette at the Savoy
"There is no reason why this dish should ever change. I can’t improve it" Tom Kerridge On the other hand Felicity Cloake says that it's...
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Apr 11
A lucky dip, a website, lamb and avgolemono
"Avgolemono is just so important to Greeks. But maybe it’s even more important to Greeks who’ve left Greece." Simon Glofit So it began...
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Jan 16
How basic can you get? Bread sauce
"Bread sauce: pure, holy, special, gentle, and kind." Ruby Lott-Lavigna/Vice (The version above is Easy bread sauce from James Martin,...
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Jan 6
Salmon and pesto
This is going to be our dinner tonight - Delia's Roasted salmon fillets with a crusted pecorino and pesto topping. I'm pretty sure I've...
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Sep 15, 2023
Salted caramel
"Its popularity may come from its effects on the reward systems of the human brain, resulting in 'hedonic escalation'". Wikipedia Is this...
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Sep 1, 2023
So retro, so English and so unavailable
"The prominence that American food has gained within the last century has led to redcurrant sauce being partially replaced by cranberry...
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Aug 16, 2023
A goddess steak
"stories and recipes are like sauce in a pan: they move differently in each telling and in each pair of hands. A recipe is advice, but...
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Aug 10, 2023
A new word - gastrique
"The best thing about learning how to make a gastrique is that it's extremely easy for the clueless chef to do. It makes a simple dish...
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Jul 11, 2023
An oldie but a goodie
"There was this woman tossing French omelettes, splashing eggs about the place, brandishing big knives, panting heavily as she careened...
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Mar 14, 2023
Tomato sauce - musings
"The kind of sauce that starts with the simplest ingredients—some canned tomatoes, a few aromatics, some olive oil, and maybe some...
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Dec 30, 2022
I have six egg yolks
"they are a magical ingredient that can transform a drab dish into something divine and spectacular." Tom Hunt You might remember that...
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