Oct 7, 2021
What happened to what was hot in 2014?
“Like dogs, foodies wag their tails at the slightest sniff of new and exciting. Then bark at each other on social media. Food is fashion....
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Oct 6, 2021
First recipe - sesame prawn toasts
"This has to be one of the worst represented dishes on the Chinese takeaway menu. Too often you open your container to reveal...
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Oct 5, 2021
So much parsley
"I can't think of any other food so often placed upon a plate with so little concern as to whether it actually gets eaten." Hugh...
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Oct 3, 2021
Worrying about aioli
"Casting salt and a squeeze of lemon juice aside, the recipe only has three ingredients: get one of them wrong and the whole thing loses...
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Oct 2, 2021
Making dinner special with Mercer's
I think we have both been feeling a bit down of late over being so confined to a small geographical area, and so we decided to have a...
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Oct 1, 2021
Feasts on platters
"Wherever you are in the world, the minute you start putting great ingredients together you're guaranteed good eating." Jamie Oliver The...
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