Nov 12, 2023
Old or new? - En papillote
"The team in the Ottolenghi test kitchen took some persuading about the benefits of cooking en papillote – they thought it was way too...
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Oct 30, 2023
Leftover chicken solved - pasta
"Carbs ... they're standing by, patiently waiting for us to remember their generous, soothing nature, and their accommodating capacity to...
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Oct 3, 2023
Write, repeat; write, repeat ... chicken and leek pie
"There is repetition everywhere, and nothing is found only once in the world." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Feeling a bit uninspired - a...
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Sep 16, 2023
Orzo or rice? with chicken
"an urgent need for dishes that served to soothe rather than excite. " Nigel Slater Nigella gets top billing again - this time with her...
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Sep 14, 2023
Sainte Ménéhould
"I only wish I could have cooked it for her, as I know it was one of her favourites. We would have drunk a bottle of old Rhone with it....
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Sep 6, 2023
Words from Rachel Roddy
"sgargarozzare, which my wine-selling friend Antonio defines as: “To consume or throw back with joy, and with no intention of stopping.” ...
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Sep 1, 2023
So retro, so English and so unavailable
"The prominence that American food has gained within the last century has led to redcurrant sauce being partially replaced by cranberry...
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Aug 31, 2023
The Country captain dispute(s)
"I have yet to find two explanations for the name of this dish that agree!" Madhur Jaffrey Or two recipes that more or less align come...
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Aug 18, 2023
When a guru disappoints
'if you follow a recipe carefully and end up with a disappointing result, then it’s bound to be offputting.” Charlotte Pike It's a guru...
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Aug 13, 2023
Small beer
Small beer - "something that does not seem important when compared to something else" Cambridge English Dictionary Apologies for being so...
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Aug 4, 2023
Cheating with tandoori chicken
"To be truly authentic it should, of course, be cooked in an earthen oven called a tandoor" Charmaine Solomon I chose those particular...
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Jul 29, 2023
Chinese-American - kung pao
"just because it's a Chinese-American standard, complete with slightly-gloppy-sauce and mild spicing doesn't make diced chicken with...
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Jul 23, 2023
Delia let me down!
"although it looks luxurious, it's actually quick and easy to cook." Delia Online Team No it's not. The comment that I have written at...
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Jul 11, 2023
An oldie but a goodie
"There was this woman tossing French omelettes, splashing eggs about the place, brandishing big knives, panting heavily as she careened...
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Jun 7, 2023
Lemon curd - sweet or savoury?
"The best lemon curd is the colour of the sun" Nigel Slater I made some lemon curd the other day. Not something I do on a regular basis...
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May 11, 2023
Green herbs, chicken and Madhur Jaffrey
"It is divine: rich, sophisticated, flavourful, ultra-curry but with a delicate complexity unknown to most who have not tried real...
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Apr 3, 2023
Cooking for your man
"To Reuben who married me before I learned to cook." Chairman Solomon I have recently set myself another goal - to cook something, every...
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Feb 21, 2023
Seriously easy
"This basil scented dish is simply delicious, there’s not really much more I can say than that. Whether you are making it for you, or...
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Feb 9, 2023
In the middle of France is Berry
"a province unharmed by too many visitors in spite of the reputation of Georges Sand, Alain Fournier and Bourges Cathedral - and of the...
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Feb 4, 2023
Brown but so much more
"Colour fades as flavour deepens: a metaphor for much of life I suggest." Nigella Lawson Which is, indeed food for thought. In her book...
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