This is just a quickie because - guess what - it's just over a day to Christmas and I am in my usual Christmas panic even though I am not actually hosting the big dinner this year.
Panic number one. Have I got an even spread of presents for everyone - particularly the children? Well no. The girls are easy. I could go on shopping for them for ages, but the boys are trickier. I felt especially bad because apparently when the grandchildren helped David put up the Christmas tree and spread around the presents our oldest grandson noted that there were more gifts for the girls than the boys. Of course, this is not necessarily indicative of money spent, but still. I do need to do more. iTunes cards? As for my sons and David - well very, very tricky. I'm not sure there is much for them at all. I shall have to do last minute vouchers and things like that I think.
Panic number two. I thought I would boost the paucity of presents by creating individual foodie hampers for everyone. Some of this would be made gifts and some would be bought. I made a long list of things - chilli sauce, tomato relish, various chocolate things, various spice mixes, mustard, chai tea. Let me tell you that list has become considerably shorter as the time left diminishes. Tomato relish gone, though it will be replaced by oven-dried tomatoes instead. Well at least they love those. And I still have to make the mince pies. I also fear the brandy snaps have gone by the wayside, as in spite of everything I shall have to revisit the supermarket again. I hope not with husband in tow. Sorry David, I love you dearly but you make shopping for presents and associated oddments like jars and packaging more stressful. Not to mention getting things for you without you knowing. So by the time I have done that there will probably only be time to do the mince pies and package the hampers.
Of course it's all over the top. But there is a tradition in our family - stemming from our early days in Australia when there was just we two and our two sons, with nobody else to give presents - of buying lots of little presents so that the children had things to open on Christmas Day. I mean that's what they look forward to isn't it? And the tradition has continued. Hence the need for lots of little things. Of course we are fortunate and others have nothing, but I guess at Christmas we focus on our nearest and dearest. Unless you are a saint. Which I very definitely am not.
And I've just remembered I have to pot a couple of plants. I'd better go and do that now.
I do hope you are all rather more organised than I.