
Feb 28, 2021
Deciding on dinner
"A meal plan should not dictate your life." Tony Naylor Every day everyone has to confront the issue of what to cook for dinner. Well...
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Feb 26, 2021
Faggots - a blast from the past
"They’re just like a meatball, you know, but way better: with the offal and plenty of fat in there, too, you get this amazing, melting...
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Feb 25, 2021
High tea and other in between meals
"The high tea is a meal that must be eaten and the afternoon tea is one we have because we can." Helen Razer That picture above is sort...
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Feb 24, 2021
The spice loving English - first recipe
"these oriental and Arabian and Mediterranean flavourings are no longer status symbols; they no longer possess the charm of the...
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Feb 23, 2021
A wonderful incongruity = dinner tomorrow
"Ingenuity and incongruity always cheer me up." Terry Pratchett So there I was sitting in the doctor's waiting room, not exactly feeling...
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Feb 22, 2021
Snacking - a COVID problem
Bacon Avocado Fries They're low-carb!! Eat your heart out!!!" Delish And I think if you did eat a lot of these you wouldn't be doing...
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Feb 21, 2021
Rambling - a moment in time
"One cannot fix one's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy." Jane Austen You must be able...
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Feb 20, 2021
Falafel for breakfast - really?
"falafel is not and never will be restaurant food for me" Itamar Srulovich Falafel, is now, as one writer said, 'dude food'. Even my...
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Feb 19, 2021
Recipe stories
"A recipe has to take root in the reader's imagination." Nigella Lawson Today I had my over 75 free medical, after which my doctor, in...
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Feb 18, 2021
One thing leads to another ...
"By my rambling digressions I perceive myself to be growing old." Benjamin Franklin It's another uninspired day. Perhaps my brain...
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Feb 17, 2021
The outdoor dining dilemma
“The majority of the city’s restaurants cannot work outdoors. Outdoor dining really only suits cafés, not to mention Melbourne’s...
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Feb 16, 2021
Patatas a la riojana (+ chorizo) - a lucky dip
"one of the greatest dishes created by man ... it should represent Spain all over the world." Paul Bocuse I should say at the outset...
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Feb 15, 2021
Those hotcakes
"In Japan they were credited as the start of the trend for the cloud-like soufflé pancakes described as fluffy or fuwa-fuwa - surely the...
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Feb 14, 2021
Bill Granger - essence of Australia?
"What even is Australian food? Healthy, hip and possibly with a smashed avocado on top?" Bill Granger I find I have been putting off...
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Feb 13, 2021
"Extra effort is one powerful secret ingredient." Jenna Woginrich - The Guardian I think, and I sort of hope, that I have finished with...
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Feb 12, 2021
A very guilty pleasure - baps
"The bap is the breakfast roll of Scotland. Properly made and properly handled it can justly be called noble ... Flour, salt, lard,...
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Feb 11, 2021
A forgotten treasure
Well I hope it's a treasure. Just before Christmas I was overwhelmed with the number of wild plums we had growing in our garden. Most of...
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Feb 10, 2021
Why I love Delia
"Is there anyone who appears duller than Delia Smith? Maybe not; but I would suspect that there are millions of people who are precisely...
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Feb 9, 2021
Healthy little foodies - a popular blog
"you are in charge of what, where and when you feed your child. Your child is in charge of how much and what they eat of that. If you are...
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Feb 8, 2021
Spag bol - an 'authentic' dish
"It's an easy, irresistible, almost childish pleasure: the ground meat dissolved into a dark blood-red sauce until they are one and the...
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